About Our Sports Medicine Centre

Our goal is to maximize functioning in all of our patients. To accomplish this, we strive to be a top provider of sports medicine in the Toronto community. We have treated thousands of patients and are trusted by hundreds of doctors in the community. Our services include sports medicine consultations, physiotherapy, massage, custom made orthotics or insoles, custom made knee braces. Focusing on injury prevention is how we wrap up our treatment.

Our approach is founded upon sound accepted principles of medical treatment while taking into account the whole person in any treatment prescription. Treatment is aimed at helping patients heal themselves using the most efficient and effective means suited to the individual's needs. We try to minimize the use of medications and other interventions with potential adverse effects when providing sports physiotherapy in Toronto.
The Toronto Centre for Sports Medicine provides complete rehabilitation of sports and orthopedic injuries including physiotherapy, aquatic therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, custom-made orthotics or insoles and custom-made knee braces for knee ligament injuries or arthritis unloader braces.

We are a multidisciplinary sport medicine and physiotherapy centre in midtown Toronto at Yonge and Eglinton. The Toronto Centre for Sports Medicine was started by Dr. Jack Hakoun MD., MCFP (SEM), Dip. Sports Med. (CASM) who has over 33 years of international sport medicine experience.
Toronto Centre Office
Dr. Hakoun
Dr. Hakoun has practiced sport medicine in Toronto and in Israel. He has lectured internationally on sport medicine topics and teaches sport medicine in Toronto. He has also taught sports medicine in Israel as well. He has worked with a full spectrum of patients ranging from high level Olympic athletes and their sports injuries, to inactive individuals. Dr. Hakoun's approach to sports medicine involves treating the person as a whole by addressing both the physical and emotional issues as they may affect a given individual and their condition. Sports medicine at the Toronto Centre for Sports Medicine is the most comprehensive approach to medicine and sports therapy in Toronto.
Our goal is to provide comprehensive and effective sports therapy in Toronto, as well as an array of other services. Rapid sports medicine diagnosis and institution of appropriate physiotherapy is key to optimize recovery from sports injuries, and other conditions such as arthritis. Rapid turnaround time for custom orthotics or insoles or custom knee braces is also a priority at our sports medicine centre.

The patients receiving sports physiotherapy in Toronto, as well as our other services, range in age from 5-95 and have a wide range of activity levels. All of our patients want to optimize their functioning and from that standpoint, all of our patients are top athletes. Physiotherapy and massage is available for the full spectrum of ages and injuries.
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