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Tips for Relieving Foot Pain While Running

February 2, 2017
Whether you’re an avid runner who’s been running for years or you’re a newbie looking to make good on your New Year’s resolution, sooner or later you’re probably going to experience some form of foot pain while running. Whether it’s your ankle bothering you, knee pain, or the dreaded heel pain, most runners will have to combat some form of foot or knee pain at some point in their running lives.

While some pains can become so chronic that you might feel like you have no choice but to live with it, the truth is that foot pain can be lessened and even eliminated with a few simple changes. If you’ve been dealing with foot pain, here are some tips for helping you get rid of it.
2 women and a man running
Custom Orthotics

One of the first things you should do if you’re experiencing foot pain is to look into orthotics in Toronto. Often foot pain is caused by running with insufficient support in your shoes or abnormal lower extremity biomechanics or abnormal running terrain. Whether it’s because you’re running with old, worn-out shoes, you have a low arch, or you’ve been running on hard surfaces, your shoes might not be giving you the support you need to thrive as a runner and avoid or recover from injury. When this happens, you need to look into getting some custom orthotic insoles. They will be tailored to your feet and your running style, and they will give you the support you need to run without pain.

Pace Yourself

One of the most damaging things that new runners will tend to do is to push themselves too hard right out of the gate. Whether you’re just getting started with running or you’re getting back into a routine after a long break, you need to make sure to pace yourself to prevent injury. Start out with some short, leisurely runs or start a walk run program where you alternate short run time of even a minute or so with longer walk times such as 3-5 minutes. You can repeat these cycles for a total exercise time of 20-30 minutes. This can be repeated daily if your exercise time is under 30 minutes. Alternate day work outs will also work and are even more gentle on your body. You would then gradually add to your run times by adding 30 seconds of running every 3 to 5 minutes every other work out as you become more accustomed to it. You will eventually be running 30 minutes straight without difficulty. If at any time you experience pain take a day or two off and go back to the previous work out level that was pain free. If you can no longer accomplish this, then it is time to consult with a sports medicine specialist in Toronto.
September 26, 2017
Dealing with sports-related injuries means going to a specialist to get back on your feet. Here are some of the ways a sports therapy specialist can assist you
September 19, 2017
As an individual suffering from diabetes, foot care is of the utmost importance. It doesn’t matter if you are in the early stages of the disease or have had diabetes for a long time, custom orthotics maybe the thing you need to avoid serious complications with your foot.
September 1, 2017
At Toronto Centre for Sports Medicine, we strive to stress the importance of our custom orthotics in Toronto for our patients who are constantly active and suffer from chronic pain.
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